RCLC exists to support parents in the education of their children. We offer the opportunity to impart Christian values at an early age while striving for excellence in academics. Children work collaboratively in small classes with dedicated coaches. We work to bring out the best in each child in collaboration with parents so each child reaches their maximum potential. Children will have opportunities to engage in numerous field trips and extracurricular activities. Children are engaged in exciting activities daily.
To partner with parents to create a Christian community of dedicated learners who love unconditionally, serve selflessly, and worship joyfully. To enable families to share their gifts and talents cooperatively in a Christian homeschooling, supportive, educational environment, which promotes excellence in education.
To prepare and motivate well educated students to be wise, responsible disciples of Jesus who go forth into the world as strong contributors to society, and to make Him known.
A Letter from Learning Center Development Team
Thank you for taking charge in your child’s education and spiritual walk. The dedication and example you provide to your children every day has the greatest influence on their academic growth and strong walk of faith.
Our team is here to help enable your ability to enrich your child’s mind and heart. A homeschool commitment is a big one. We are here to provide academic resources from our local community to assist in the delivery of your child’s curriculum and reduce the time commitment on parents. Our volunteers are followers of Christ, committed to enriching the minds and hearts of children.
Hope to see you soon,
Development Team
Rochester Christian Learning Center
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
8:30am - 2:30pm